Les 3 et 4 juin 2022 Stéphanie et Arnaud de Malefette ont eu la joie d'inaugurer l'auditorium BACH & BACCHVS, témoin du mariage de la musique et du vin. Un concert de Gala "sur mesure" a été donné par des artistes d' exception pour cette occasion.

14 déc 2024
Julie Depardieu

SINCE 1806
Domaine du Bosc put its first stone in 1806 at the foot of the Oppidum d'Ensérune in Languedoc. The vine culture begins here since the ancient times between the 1st and the 6th century. At that time, trade was done by the Mediterranean sea via the port of Vendres, first with the Greek then with the Roman. In the late 17th century, the Canal du Midi allowed to route wines to Bordeaux.

The cellar was built on 2 levels allowing the transfer of wine by gravity between the fermentation cellar and the storage, which is in the lower level.

Detail of the keystone in the lower cellar.

A natural water spring feeds the domain through an underground canal built in stones during the Roman era.
Numerous remains of Roman civilization were found in the vineyards (pottery, clay tiles, fragments of amphorea..).
We practice sustainable culture by trust in nature.
Our philosophy is to help the vine to develop its natural defenses and find its balance with biodiversity.
Domaine du Bosc is 100% certified Organic Wines since 2021.

Seashells fossils from 200 to 300 million years old fill our vineyards' soil. They witness the fact that the sea was there up to 150 million years ago. Fossils absorb the heat during the day and slowly give it back to the soil at night thereby improving the maturity of the fruits.

The cellar was completely renovated between 2013 and 2014. New winemaking equipments allow the production of premium wines while keeping the natural taste of the fruit. Modern technique aims to sublimate the product of nature.

During the winter we use mechanical "inter-cep" to clean the soil between the vines in order to avoid chemical weedkiller.